After registering a good opening weekend, Ayushmann Khurrana’s latest offering Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan was expected to perform well on weekdays but on the contrary, it is falling down significantly. While the adjacent release, Vicky Kaushal’s Bhoot: The Haunted Ship is running steadily but at a lower side.
Directed by Hitesh Kewalya, the Hindi comedy-drama Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan has entertained many in theatres and gathered a favourable word of mouth. In the weekend, it had raked the business of 32.66 crores with 9.55 crores on Friday, 11.08 crores on Saturday & 12.03 crores on Sunday.
Produced by Aanand L Rai and Bhushan Kumar, the film had recorded a heavy drop in footfalls after the weekend and minted 3.87 crores on Monday & 3.07 crores on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, with a further decline, it has managed to collect 2.62 crores and raised 6 days total collection to 42.22 crores nett.
On the other hand, Bhanu Pratap Singh’s directorial horror film Bhoot: Part One – The Haunted Ship has received mixed reviews because of its weak screenplay. In the weekend, it did the business of 16.36 crores that included 5.10 crores on Friday, 5.52 crores on Saturday & 5.74 crores on Sunday.
On weekdays, Dharma Productions’ presentation had faced a substantial drop and bagged 2.32 crores on Monday & 2.10 crores on Tuesday. On the next day i.e. Wednesday, the film has managed to score 1.85 crores and raised 6 days total collection to 22.63 crores nett at the domestic box office.
Must Read: Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan Review | Bhoot: Part One – The Haunted Ship Review