Qissa 3rd Day Collection: Sunday was also not in favor

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Qissa 3rd Day Performance

The movie directed Anup Singh and with lead star cast of Irrfan Khan, Tillotama Shome and Tisca Chopra, the latest drama movie named Qissa is now on its third day of release. This wonderful film comes under the genre of satirical cum drama genre that has the good script as well as message. Main pivoting point of the film is basically that it is based on partition story that are related to our country with Pakistan many years ago which also make to movie to fall under social genre.

Audience has loved the movie but the issue is that most of the audiences are not going to theaters for this one due to less stardom facing leads in this film, secondly low promotions, thirdly non masala story and finally release of Badlapur which is taking audience attention on most. But yet some of the audience is going to watch this movie still in theaters making its Sunday count bit better than first two days but still lower.

Qissa Sunday Box Office Collection

Qissa released Friday with a low pre release response and dull excitement and also the audience was seen much extremely excited to watch Badlapur over this movie so all this resulted in average performance of film throughout the first weekend. Sunday i.e. third day box office collection of the movie is around 40 Lacs* which is quite low in spite of today being a holiday in mot places. Yet any how if the movie fails to do good earning then only low promotion of the movie will be the main reason for it.

Third day box office business of Qissa is somewhat similar to the opening day and second day collection due to not so favorable attitude of the viewers in even Sunday. This is also true that it is the low budget movie and is also not promoted greatly over the box office. So we should not expect much great heights and hopes from this film.

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