Superstar Akshay Kumar has made a lucky start to the new year 2025. The actor is finally making a comeback as his new offering Sky Force is all set to become a hit. After a decent start at the box office, the war action-drama witnessed a huge jump over the weekend due to a positive word of mouth and registered a solid 3-day total.
The second collaboration between Akshay Kumar and producer Dinesh Vijan after a cameo in Stree 2, Sky Force has received mostly positive reviews from critics owing to its gripping storyline backed by the outstanding climax and solid performances. From the audience as well, the film is getting an overwhelming response across the country.
Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur, Sky Force
On Sunday as well, Sky Force witnessed a healthy jump and collected 35.10 crores nett. After the opening weekend, it has registered a 3-day total of 76.70 crores nett at the domestic box office. After many consecutive flop films in the recent unfavourable phase, Akshay Kumar is finally going to add another hit in his illustrious career of 34 years.
As per the current trend, Sky Force is expected to remain steady on weekdays and enter the 100-crore club by the end of week 1. Alongside Akshay, Sky Force also features debutant Veer Pahariya who is also being appreciated for playing his role with ease.