Tamanchey, Jigariyaa, Spark & Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami 2nd Day Collection

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Second Day Collection (Saturday)


Jigariyaa movie starring 2 new faces in Bollywood film industry has not been successful in achieving applauds from the audience. Though the performance on its opening day was not too poor among the 4 releases, but still it has not shown any good figures in its account. Now on its second day film picked some better occupancy and income in its hand. Total Saturday Income of Jigariyaa movie is nearly 0.14 Crore*.

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami

The comedy cum humor movie Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami which entered the box office race yesterday has came out as a non profitable movie. Film did not opened well in cinemas and there were no viewers for the film. Today is the second day of release for the film and the performance is still not at all satisfactory. Total 2nd Day or Saturday Collection of Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Movie is around 0.21 Crore*.


Spark movie which was touted to be an action movie along with comedy in bits and parts, has also joined the list of low openings like the other co releases Jigariyaa, Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami and even Tamanchey. Film being running on wakened has still not got any advantage and seemed with no growth and profit. By the end of today, Saturday Collection of Spark movie is around 0.10Crore*.


With so many low budget movies released yesterday on box office, Tamanchey is the one film that has attracted little audience in its side somehow. Film 2 non star powered faces of our Bollywood film industry has not been able to rake any impressive income on its opening day and today being the second day of film, Tamanchey has not shown any decent growth in its performance. Film managed to make 2nd Day or Saturday Income of around 0.20 Crore*.